Espresso for the mind? Daniel Weberuss präsentiert Freifunk Mainz auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse

daniel-weberruss-portrait-262x272Am Sonntag, den 23.10.2016, sind auch Freifunker aus Mainz auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse vertreten.

Im Rahmen von „Espresso for the mind  – Next level design“ wird unser Designer Daniel Weberuss Freifunk Mainz und sein prämiertes Erscheinungsbild in einem Pitch vorstellen.

Wir freuen uns sehr, wenn ihr vorbeischaut!

23.10.2016, 11:45 Uhr – 12:30 Uhr, Messegelände // Hall 4.1

Either a digital business model, an innovative product or a revolutionary sound and teaser – design is entering a new level and software as well as technology build the material of the 21st century. Within this dynamic pitching session you will get to know innovative designers from different areas working at the intersection of creativity and technology. 

Besides others you will be introduced to innovative sound concepts, an online tool that helps you to choose the right color for your walls and an multimedia exhibition at its best. And if you think, there is no alternative to the commercial wifi providers – you will be disabused. Believe it or not: there is an independent wifi network…  

To showcase, celebrate and redefine creativity in the digital age, THE ARTS+ presents a cross section of innovative ideas and new potentials in the creative industries within a daily pitching event. Be there.


  • Sebastian Alt, Co-Founder, KOLORAT
  • Florian Altherr, Co-Founder, Freifunk Mainz e.V.
  • Sebastian Gsuck, CEO, MediaApes GmbH 
  • Tobias Strauch, MediaApes GmbH
  • Tim Kosack, MediaApes GmbH
  • Wolf-Tassilo Sack, Executive Producer, dropout-films
  • Monja Weber, Co-Founder, KOLORAT 
  • Daniel Weberruß, Art Director & Designer, Freifunk Mainz e.V. 

This session is presented by descom – Designforum Rheinland-Pfalz. 

descom – Designforum Rheinland-Pfalz is a regional forum for design and communication, acting between politics and creative economy. Through various activities, descom strengthens the visibility of design and design expertise regionally and nationwide. To place design as an innovation, quality and economic factor – especially into small and medium-sized enterprises – descom is acting as a competent impartial partner to connect a variety of creative players in the creative industries, also with the commitment to sensitize our society for the cultural significance of design.

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